Training programs

RWL Simulator is a key component of one of the largest and most established flight schools, the RWL German Flight Academy. This affiliation provides access to a comprehensive range of training programs that encompass all aspects of simulator training.

Type Rating

Explore our diverse range of solutions for a Boeing B737 300-900 series Type Rating, tailored to meet your specific aviation training needs. Whether you’re looking to incorporate your Type Rating into an EASA license or seeking a customized solution outside the EASA region, we’ve got you covered. We offer various certified Type Ratings with different hour requirements, catering to those aspiring to have their qualifications recognized under EASA standards. For clients outside the EASA territory, we provide bespoke solutions that align with the individual requirements and the regulations of your local aviation authority.

Discover our selection of standard solutions for your Boeing B737 Type Rating. Each program is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in operating this specific aircraft series. With our expert training, state-of-the-art facilities, and a focus on regulatory compliance, you’re in good hands. Begin your journey towards mastering the Boeing B737 with our specialized Type Rating programs.“

Multi-Crew Coordination

Embark on a pivotal stage of your airline pilot training journey with our Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC) course, an integral part of the Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) curriculum at RWL. Our MCC training is exclusively conducted on our own Full Flight Simulator for the Boeing B737 300-900 series, offering trainees an unparalleled opportunity to hone their skills to perfection.

At RWL, we understand the importance of MCC in preparing pilots for real-world airline operations, including airline screenings. Our state-of-the-art B737 simulator provides a realistic and challenging environment for pilots to develop essential teamwork, communication, and aircraft handling skills required in modern cockpit settings.

Our MCC program is not just for our in-house trainees. We also extend this comprehensive training to external candidates who seek to elevate their flying capabilities. With experienced instructors who have logged countless hours on the B737 model, our trainees receive guidance from some of the best in the industry.

Whether you are a budding pilot aiming to excel in your airline career or an external candidate looking to master the B737, our MCC program is designed to meet your aspirations. Join us at RWL for an MCC experience that sets you up for success in the demanding world of aviation.

Screening Preparation

At RWL, we understand the critical importance of thorough preparation for successful participation in pilot screenings, especially for complex aircraft like the Boeing B737. Our Screening Preparation programs are specifically designed to prepare pilots for various screening processes at different airlines. Our experienced instructors are familiar with the specific requirements and procedures of each airline, enabling us to provide tailored and efficient preparation.

Targeted preparation is essential to succeed in these challenging screenings. With our knowledge and expertise in the Boeing B737, we guarantee comprehensive training tailored to the individual needs of each pilot. Our programs cover both theoretical and practical aspects to ensure that our participants are fully prepared for their screenings and can maximize their career opportunities with various airlines.

Instructor courses

Advance your aviation instructing career with RWL’s specialized instructor training programs in MCCI (Multi-Crew Cooperation Instructor), SFI (Synthetic Flight Instructor), and TRI (Type Rating Instructor). These prestigious qualifications are designed for aviation professionals who aspire to elevate their teaching skills to the highest standards.

Our MCCI program focuses on training instructors to teach effective crew cooperation in multi-pilot environments, a critical aspect of commercial aviation. The SFI course equips instructors with the expertise to conduct high-quality synthetic flight training, primarily in simulators, essential for pilot training and assessment. The TRI program offers specialized training for instructors to teach pilots on specific aircraft types, ensuring they are well-prepared for the nuances of different aircraft.

At RWL, you’ll learn from highly experienced instructors, gaining insights that only years in the field can provide. Our programs are tailored to ensure that you excel as an aviation instructor, whether in crew cooperation, synthetic flight training, or type-specific instruction.

Interested candidates should contact us for detailed information on schedules and the enrollment process. Let RWL guide you in shaping the future of aviation training.

Additional Trainings and Checks

LPC (License Proficiency Check): Our LPC service is designed to assess and certify a pilot’s competence, ensuring that their skills and knowledge meet the required standards for maintaining their license.

Refresher Training: Our Refresher Training program is tailored to help pilots update and sharpen their flying skills and knowledge, ensuring they remain at the forefront of aviation safety and efficiency.

Jet Orientation Course: Our Jet Orientation Course is specifically aimed at preparing pilots for the transition to jet aircraft, focusing on the operational differences and handling characteristics of jet flying.

Each of these services is designed to cater to specific needs in a pilot’s career, from maintaining qualifications to advancing towards new opportunities.



What is a type rating and why do I need it?

A ‚Type Rating‘ refers to the qualification and certification a pilot needs to operate a specific type of aircraft. Each type of aircraft, especially commercial or complex ones, has unique operating, performance, and handling characteristics. Therefore, a Type Rating is an extension of a pilot’s license, indicating that the pilot has completed the necessary training and examination to safely fly a specific aircraft model.

The requirements for obtaining a Type Rating vary depending on the complexity of the aircraft type and the regulations of the aviation authority of the respective country. The training typically involves theoretical instruction, simulator training, and flight training, followed by an examination that may include both written and practical components.

What does MCC mean, what is it needed for and for what purpose?

MCC stands for ‚Multi-Crew Cooperation‘. This is a crucial part of training for commercial airline pilots. In MCC training, pilots learn how to work effectively as part of a crew, with a focus on cooperation, communication, and resource management in the cockpit. This is particularly important since most commercial aircraft are flown by multi-member crews. MCC training prepares pilots to operate safely and efficiently in this environment.

Why should I perform a screening preparation and who is the target group?

Screening preparation is vital for pilots aiming to excel in airline assessment processes, particularly for complex aircraft like the Boeing B737. This preparation is essential for both aspiring and current pilots who seek to enhance their skills and increase their chances of success in competitive airline screenings. The target group includes pilots at various career stages, from fresh graduates to experienced aviators looking to transition to new roles or airlines. Engaging in specialized screening preparation equips candidates with crucial insights into specific airline requirements, technical proficiency, and the practical knowledge needed to stand out in these rigorous selection processes.

What instructor courses do you offer and for what purpose?

MCCI, TRI, and SFI are specialized aviation instructor qualifications for different training roles:

MCCI (Multi-Crew Cooperation Instructor): An MCCI is an instructor specialized in Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC) training. These instructors train pilots in the skills required for effective cooperation and communication within a multi-member aircraft crew. The MCCI qualification enables an instructor to train pilots in aspects of teamwork, leadership qualities, and cockpit resource management.

TRI (Type Rating Instructor): A TRI is an instructor specialized in conducting type rating training for specific aircraft types. They are responsible for training pilots in the specific systems, procedures, and handling characteristics of the aircraft type. TRIs are crucial in preparing pilots for the safe operation of a particular aircraft model, including conducting flight simulator training.

SFI (Synthetic Flight Instructor): An SFI is an instructor specialized in training on flight simulators. These instructors conduct training based on simulators rather than in the actual aircraft. The SFI role is particularly important for initial training, ongoing training, and assessment of pilot skills in a risk-free and controlled environment.

Each of these qualifications requires specific training and certification to ensure that the instructors have the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively train pilots.